Food and Immunity

Throwback Friday

Here are my girls before lockdown preparing rainbow coloured fruits and vegetables which are great for the immune system.

🦠When our body is faced with an intruder such as a virus we want a harmonised immune system response which is prompt and effective but does not go into overdrive.

🥗Why are plant foods good for the immune system?

🥙Fruits and vegetables contain fibre which feeds our good gut bacteria. These bacteria help modulate our immune system to respond in an appropriate way.
The greater our variety of plant foods, the more diverse our gut bacteria and this is key to overall good health.

🍇Plant foods contain phytonutrients (plant chemicals), some of which also help modulate our immune system to respond in the correct way. These include quercetin (apples and onions), resveratrol (grapes) and curcumin (turmeric).

🥦Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which are critical for a healthy functioning immune system such as vitamin C (peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits); zinc (nuts, legumes), selenium (brazil nuts, spinach).

🥕Vit C, along with Vit E (nuts, avocados) and beta carotene (carrots, sweet potato) also act as antioxidants which help protect cells from damage.

Take home facts:

🌈Add rainbow coloured plant foods to your diet– aim for at least 8 servings a day!! YES 8!!
🧄Use herbs and spices such as turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, oregano and garlic
🍠Eat foods which improve good bacteria such as keffir, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables
🍭Avoid sugar, processed foods and foods high in saturated fats